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Adorable Homeless Puppy is Ecstatic to be Found and Needs Belly Rubs

Running is the very best! Let me tell you, there is absolutely nothing much better than tipping onto the ground, feeling the warm sun as well as cool wind, and also simply having the ability to go. In some cases I like to act I’m a bird flying close to the ground, or a steed that nobody can overtake.

Yet in some cases … I would such as a good area to rest. A cozy bed, a great bowl of kibble, and water that I do not have to show to that weird raccoon who’s constantly cleaning up all food he has. I’m the only dog out here, and also I only see various other dogs for a few minutes while others pass by with their humans. They always seem so satisfied to be with them, and also I want something like that!

So meeting this jogger today was an incredible surprise!

I simply can’t take it! This person is also amazing! I really wish I can maintain him– emergency room, I suggest, he keeps me. It’s been so long since I have actually had a real playmate! Oh, I got ta teach him all the good games. Capture, frisbee, fetch the stick …

And also he offers the best belly scrubs, too! He has to be my new roomie, no doubt concerning it.

Oh boy, oh boy! I bet this person has all the excellent snacks. Those bacon treats I’ve listened to so much about, completely dry kibble, wet kibble. Perhaps those minty eat sticks …

Whoa there, sir! Do not go right now! Do you have someplace to be? Let me choose you!

Well, it turns out the jogger male did choose that he was going to take me residence. Hurray! He’s already speaking about taking me to the veterinarian for my shots (grrrr), but I can live with that! A little cost to spend for a comfortable life. As enjoyable as it was having as much space as I wanted to run and play, it was obtaining rather lonely around.

Oh! But I’ll have to stop by occasionally to say hi to the raccoon! Perhaps we can come see periodically and also bring him some snacks? Now he’ll have the water hole all to himself to clean his food! I make certain he’ll be happy concerning that.

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