Home / World / Alaskan man feeds huge flock of bald eagles in viral footage

Alaskan man feeds huge flock of bald eagles in viral footage

The magnificent bald eagle– one of America’s biggest symbols– is mainly a rare sight. Yet things are a little different when you reside in location where is found the largest hairless eagle population on Earth. Though its human populace is less than 5,000 people, Unalaska in Alaska, is house for almost 600 bald eagles.

Since Dutch Harbor is just the greatest angling place in this field, however possibly worldwide, it’s natural for the hairless eagles to collect here in look for food. These waters are very rich in sea food, so anglers always leave something behind for the substantial birds. Yet, one man in particular has taken care of to produce a viral video of his eagle feeding.

The man called Jesse Peck got a bowl complete with shrimps as well as planned to share it with the bald eagles gathered on a deck. However quickly as he began to feed the magnificent birds, a growing number of them signed up with. The result was a very remarkable view, for any type of bird lover out there. Just like in a feeding frenzy, the large group of eagles quickly finished Peck’s bowl with shrimps. At some time, the man also tosses some pieces in the air and the majestic birds grabbed them swarming.

Yet that had not been all as shortly after he finished the feeding, Peck grabbed his cam to show there were a lot more eagles, all over the harbour. The video went viral with over eight millions views! “Just another day in Alaska,” is how Peck captioned it. You can view the extraordinary minute, bellow:

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