Home / World / Baby seal accidentally scares a polar bear cub in cutest wildlife footage

Baby seal accidentally scares a polar bear cub in cutest wildlife footage

In among the sweetest videos the animal kingdom have ever used, a polar bear cub is entirely left in concern when a child seal stands out via ice, straight before him. Happened by chance– the minute was luckily caught on electronic camera– and also the Net can not deal with the cuteness.

The dramatization unravelled in front of a BBC filming group. The filmmakers were tape-recording for the Snow Bears series. Following a polar bear mother and her 2 tiny cubs, in their legendary journey from the Svalbard islands to the North Post, the team witnessed an unexpectedly funny moment.

Soon as they got to the unlimited glacier, the hungry mother began to chase seals– polar bears main food source– wishing her two cubs will certainly additionally establish their searching skills. Yet the mother bear’s assumptions are quickly destroyed as one of the cubs epically stops working on her initial lesson.

Influenced by the fearless mommy, the cub seems a lot more established than ever before to catch her own supper, however only to fell on her back with worry, when a baby seal located its means via the ice just before the bear. Clearly, the child didn’t expect to this.

BBC eventually chose to share online the charming scene, as well as it got nearly 15 million sights so far. “A polar bear waits patiently for a seal, yet her cub is taken by surprise when it appears unexpectedly,” they explained the moment.

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