Home / World / Blind dog r3scued after 1 week alone in the woods

Blind dog r3scued after 1 week alone in the woods

When a dog escapes, there is always a worried family at home waiting. Sometimes the dog comes back alone and sometimes you may have to look for him.

When Sage Labrador, a 12 year-old, escaped from her home, his family was disturbed. Sage was not only old but also blind. With a forest nearby, they wondered how she would survive on her own.

The family started looking at their home in Boulder Creek, California, but there was no sign of her.

“Ten of our neighbors joined our family in the search that lasted until late at night,” said Sage’s mother Beth Dale. “Then they came back to help for several days after that.”

After five days, the family began to lose hope.

Although the family felt desperate, they continued to search for their dog. Five days became six, then seven, then eight.

They feared that Sage had been wounded or killed by a predator.

But then, by chance, a man saw something in the forest. Family neighbor and firefighter Dan Estrada was walking his dogs with a friend when they saw something beside the creek at the foot of a steep slope.

“At first I thought it was a garbage bag, so I got very angry,” said Dan. “Nobody wants people to throw garbage in the woods. Then I looked closer and saw that it was Sage.”

Sage didn’t move and Dan suspected the worst. As they approached, she raised her head and Dan’s friend noticed and called again, “Friend, she’s alive.”

As soon as Dan heard that, he rushed to the river to rescue her.

“I climbed a lot faster, jumped into the creek and ran over to her,” said Dan. “I wrapped my arms around her, kissed her and started stroking her. And she managed to lift her head and move her tail.

Sage also noticed Dan’s two dogs, Barnabas and Köelsch, whom she knew well and helped her to lift her spirits.

“I think she was happier to see Barnabas and Köelsch than to see me,” sais Dan.

She tried to get up and walk, but after eight days without food, she didn’t have much energy, so Dan took her home.

On the way back, they also contacted Sage’s family, who, of course, was delighted to hear the news.

There were many tears of joy in the meeting.

The family promised a reward of $ 1,000 to anyone who found their precious dog, but Dan refused to accept it. Instead, he asked for the money to be donated to an animal rescue organization.

Find out more about this happy reunion and the incredible Sage who never gave up on the next video.

Animals can teach us a lot, and in this case, Sage taught everyone that, despite the odds, she was determined to survive.

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