Home / World / H3artwarming moment vets free elephant calf from cru3l poachers’ snare

H3artwarming moment vets free elephant calf from cru3l poachers’ snare

This is the moment veterinarians flew to the r3scue of an elephant calf after it became trapped in a snare laid by poachers in Kenya.

Footage reveals the baby elephant incapable to free its ankle joint from the tight loop of rope binding it to a risk in the ground in a remote location of the Tana River in the Ndera Area Conservancy.

Dr. Poghon and his team from the KWS/SWT Tsavo Mobile Veterinary System from the Sheldrick Wild animals Count on flew to the remote area by helicopter prior to cutting the elephant cost-free to be reunited with its mommy.

The clip starts with the team of veterinarians taking off as they track down the elephant calf, whose mommy had been seen helplessly seeing from around 50 yards away.

See the whole rescue in the video clip below:

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